Thursday, December 22, 2005

Finished knitted object, a wee one

It's a dishcloth. And I like it. Red and white (for Christmas) 100 percent cotton Peaches and Cream from a big-box store, and family-handmedown size 7 aluminum needles. A fun and fast little project, perfect for the holiday-prep-addled brain.

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I used the "bee" stitch, which was a bit puzzling to figure out. My first bee-stitch dishcloth looks a bit irregular because it was really hard to figure out whether I'd just done a "knit in the stitch below" or not. Finally I figured out that I could tell what I'd done the previous row by whether there were two wraps or one around the back of the previous stitch. Aha! Not to mention, the whole "knit in the stitch below" was VERY confusing -- as described it was clearly an increase -- until I found a blog entry that I cannot for the life of me find again. Anyway, the blog mentioned that you slip the old stitch off after knitting into the stitch below it. Whew. That made it work (made sense to clueless learner me). Now it's kind of fun.

I'm using dishcloths instead of sponges now. I'm tired of old stinky sponges no matter what I do, so I might as well use dishcloths and toss them in the laundry with the cloth napkins, kitchen towels, and old-towel kitchen rags!

When my dishcloths have all been washed, I'll take a group photo. Hey, why not.

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